Yesterday was brilliant, and I had best part of a day’s training with Warren from Carbon Copies Ltd. It was great, and I learned a huge amount in my time. Warren gave me lots of tricks of the trade and I got plenty of hands-on experience.
Part of the tuition was around looking after my consumables, so below is my list of things to get in my most recent shopping trip to the dark side. Speaking of the dark-side, I went to Asda and bought:
- one tupperware box for my easy-lease mould releasing stuff
- Apparently the easy-lease is hydrophilic and will absorb water out of the air. This diminishes its performance. Rather than take the chance on the lid (I won’t be using it as much as a pro), I have bought a tupperware box to keep it in, and one pack of silica gel condensation absorbing things. This should guarantee a long shelf life. The stuff isn’t mad expensive but it’s not worth taking a chance of a poor release or not being able to make a part because I’m out
- 40 disposable plastic glasses for mixing resin in. Asda’s price means 7.1 pence each. My lovely sister is off to the wholesales
- A battery for the posh electronic scales my wife doesn’t use because they don’t weigh enough (score – another kitchen tool now lives in the garage according to rule 6)
- 100 cocktail stirrers (may work well, and possibly better than wooden ones – we shall see 🙂
I’m enjoying all this retail therapy.