Do I need blanking plates?

This is a bit of a rhetorical question, but this is now it looks with the dry sump in place. One of the gaps is about the sump, and the other is because the bell-housing is generic for both hydraulic and lever clutches.


IMG_3083 IMG_3084This is the dry-sump gap. Other solutions people have had success with is a thin aluminium plate. In a following post I will disclose my genius idea, but it basically is about putting in a full under-skin to the car so crap won’t come dashing in quite as easily.



This is the clutch hatch. Sorting this is easy – I will come in from the back and make a blanking plug, and then take a mould off it. this should more or less give me an air-tight fit. Once I have the part, I will drill through and tap an m4 thread. then the part can just be bolted through with a bit of thread-lock