So, I’ve got back the custom front suspension from Cornering Force which were built to my spec, out of T45 steel (including the oval lower wishbone).
This is the bottom wishbone, mounted on spherical bearings, and on Dallara wishbone brackets bolted to a stepped mounting bracket. I can adjust it on and out, up and down for ride height. It’s about 500g lighter than the initial wishbone as well as being a lot stronger. I’m hoping the wishbone brackets are the weak point, so if I knock a corner off, that’s what fails.
There’s a lot going on in this one, so here we go. This is the new top rocker, mounted on embedded spherical bearings. There’s a dirty bolt holding it on to the aluminium upright for now, but once I’ve got it all checked out, Cornering Force will machine me top and bottom pins to then hold it in place. It’s also bolted on to the front ARB blade.
Things I’ve noticed – the powder coat is on nice and thick, and my spacer and spherical bearing combo comes in at 35mm dead, but the gap to bolt it in is 34.6mm. So, a little fettling, and I can get the spacers in there.
All told, very happy.