Composite Fuel Tank #3 – prototype part pulled

Or – Transformers – Fuel Tanks in Disguise!

So, before I make the part out of lovely aramid and carbon I thought I’d do the sensible thing and crack a part out of chopped strand mat first. I wanted to do this for three reasons:

  • check the part for fit in the car – if the mould needed a tweak or two, now is the time.
  • check the part for fit for the ATL fuel sender – I’d gone to a huge amount of effort to site this so that it reaches to the bottom of the tank.
  • fill it full of water to see what the capacity is

tank bag of partsHere we have the entire set of parts pulled and trimmed from the mould. As I went along, my trimming got a lot better a lot quicker. I realised it was far easier to scribe the part in the mould for where the trim-line should be, and then to pop it out and trim it. As such, I have a few gaps which have been sorted with how I’m bonding it together (30mm strips of glass, wet laid on).




prototype tankNow the part is pulled and bonded together, hopefully you get a sense of the size and shape of it.

I managed to bond the whole of the top tank (the top bar of the T shape) internally, but the lower part needs to be bonded externally. I did a reasonable job, but it’s not watertight. It was good practice for when I do the aramid/carbon part.

The entire part weighs just over 2kg, which gives me a saving of 3.7kg over the standard midget tank. It’s a great weight saving, before I even take into account moving the mass about.

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