So, I’ve completed the first 3-D printed prototype exhaust pipe. Every straight and bend is taken from an off-the-shelf exhaust part supplied by Alunox. This means if the 3-D printed parts fit then the exhaust as I make it should fit just as well.
So, I’ve completed the first 3-D printed prototype exhaust pipe. Every straight and bend is taken from an off-the-shelf exhaust part supplied by Alunox. This means if the 3-D printed parts fit then the exhaust as I make it should fit just as well.
Is 4-2-1 the optimal for the Duratec?
are you drawing this all on on Fusion 360 first?
Hi David. I’ve bought the dimensions from SBD and they recommend 4->2->1, so I’m going with that. I’ve been using Onshape. It works brilliantly on my iPad with the pencil. I can’t recommend it enough.