So, here is the raw results file:
I’ve kept it there in the spirit of honesty, but the following distilled data into the graph is what really matters:
So the numbers that matter are those on top of the line – each of those is the number of KG force required to deflect the part by a given distance. You can correlate the colour to the number to the data in the top chart (click through for details)
Finally, there is the density/deflection ratio, which would show the ideal performing part if absolute strength wasn’t the most desired outcome.
There is a trade-off between core and layers, which is what would be expected. What actually surprised me the most was the difference a core makes.
The top line has two variables set – 4 layers of CF (rather than 2), and a 10mm core, rather than the yellow line, which is 4 layers and a 6mm core. The third highest line is the darker blue line, which is 2 layers and a 10mm core.
So, it’s layers over core but again, there’s a trade-off. The red line is 4 layers over a 3mm core, and you can see it yielded really quickly at 3mm with a very low amount of force (well, 98kg of force). Without doing any statistical analysis, I am observing that each 3mm of core seems to give me an extra 100kg of resistive force before yielding. However, I don’t know how far that scales.
Finally, you can see that there are a selection of flat lines near the bottom, and they are parts made without core. The seem to bend a lot and not yield. For my purposes though, they’re not suitable. Parts 6 and 7 (four and two layers), deflected up to 7mm without yielding, but weren’t much use to me.
As the thicker parts started to yield, we could actually hear them crack (quietly). I’m assuming that’s the fibres snapping. As such, the moment it starts to happen the part is compromised.